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'European power initiatives' - IHEDN - Paris  04/12/2022 - (conference[lecturer]

'European diplomacy and the war in Ukraine' - Strasbourg Political Studies Institute   24/11/2022 - (seminar[lecturer] 

'The European Union and the war in Ukraine' - Strasbourg Political Studies Institute - Eurocorps  04/11/2022 - seminar[lecturer] 

'Did the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) properly prepare the EU for increasing its spending on defence through the European Defence Fund' - European Court of Auditors 12/10/2022 - (Hearing[expert] 


'European defence and NATO: a changing strategic context' - Ecole de guerre (Military School) 09/06/2022 Paris - Ecole militaire (closed conference[conference speaker] 

Lecture on 'European defence'  - Ecole de guerre (Military School) Master II - Organisation finances  03/05/2022 (closed seminar[lecturer]

Lecture on 'European defence' Université de Paris I Sorbonne - Master II 02/05/2022 (closed seminar[lecturer]

'Economic patriotism in defence' - French Military Academy (Saint-Cyr) Brussels - French Military Representation 22/04/2022 (closed seminar) [speaker]

'After the Strategic Compass, a Strategic dialogue?' - Egmont Institute - LIPHA (Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d'étude du politique Hannah Arendt) and UPEC (Université internationale d'études politiques - Paris Est) Egmont 09/03/2022 (closed seminar) [speaker] 

'From Strategic autonomy to European Sovereignty' - CHEM (Collège des Hautes Etudes Militaires) - Brussels - French Military Representation 22/02/2022 (closed seminar) [conference speaker]

'Strategic autonomy' conference organized by IRSEM (Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'Ecole Militaire)  Round table: 'The EU as a power in the world?' - IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale) Paris - Ecole militaire 15/02/2022 (closed conference[conference speaker] 

Lecture for the translation service of the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU on 'Strategic autonomy of the Union and France's role in CSFP/CSDP 31/01/2022 (closed seminar[lecturer]

Participation in the Conference 'European Sovereignty and solidarity' organized by the 'Centre d'études des écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan' (French Military Academy) Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan 20/01/2022 in cooperation with Eurodefence France (closed conference[speaker]

Lecture to the Students association WERRA 13/01/2022 (webinar) [lecturer]

Presentation before the European Parliament Sub-Committee on Defence : Lessons learned for the European defence Fund - with Edouard Simon 31/05/2021[public hearing]   speech Frédéric Mauro - speech Edouard Simon 


European sovereignity or Strategic autonomy: which ambition for the European Union - Conference AURA Mines ParisTech / PSL   17/05/2021 [speaker]  slides

'Quelle boussole stratégique pour l'Europe ?' - hearing behind closed doors with a French Senate Select committee led by Senator Ronand Le Gleut and Hélène Conway-Mouret 06/05/2021


To What Extent Will the EU Be Able to Achieve Military ‘Strategic Autonomy’ in the Long Run?: A Constructivist Perspective - Interview with Students from the Honk Kong University 22/04/2021 [speaker] slides

European Defence Initiatives: is Europe on the way to - finally - be able to defend itstelf? - Colloquium with Students of the American National War College and the French Centre des Hautes Etudes Militaires  14/04/2021[speaker] -  slides

What place for national sovereignty in the European defence ? IHEDN Jeunes Webconférence 04/12/2020 (in French) [speaker]      slides  -   text

Research, Innovation, Sovereignty and European Values - CLORA (Club des Organismes européens de recherche)
Webinar 27/10/2020 - Brussels 

European Defence: cooperation versus integration - CDU working group on security and defence - Brussels 12/03/2020 (closed seminar) [keynote speaker]


This House supports/does not support a European army -  College of Europe - Natolin 11/02/2020 [Oxford style dispute]


Autonomie stratégique : faut-il choisir entre l’Europe et l’OTAN ? Groupe de recherche sur l'avenir du service public (GRASPE) - Brussels 04/02/2020 (public conference)[speaker]


Autonomie stratégique : faut-il choisir entre l’Europe et l’OTAN ? Ecole Nationale d'administration - Strasbourg 14/01/2020 (conference) [speaker]

Academics as soldiers? Is defence related research a scandal or a duty? - Fondation Universitaire Egmont -Brussels 05/12/2019 (public conference)  [speaker]


Debating Strategic Autonomy as a European ambition - IFRI - French Institute of International Relations - Security Studies Center Paris 03/12/2019 (closed seminar) [speaker]

Prospects of a European Army: Fantasy or Solution? -  IFAT Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade  - Budapest 05/11/2019  


European defence: challenges ahead -   Working Group on Space, Security & Defence, Kangaroo Group Brussels -  European Parliament 14/05/2019 (closed seminar) [speaker]

L'armée européenne : mythe ou réalité - Paris - Airbus (closed seminar) 03/10/2019 [keynote speaker] 

Pour une définition de l'autonomie stratégique - leçon inaugurale de la 56ème session nationale de l'IHEDN Armement et économie de la défense - Ecole militaire  Paris 26/09/2019  [lecturer]

Towards a European army: dream or reality - The young Federalists - Ortenberg castle - Bavaria 14/06/2019  [Speaker]


European Sovereignty - Paris EU-ISS  le 14/05/2019 (closed seminar) 

La défense européenne - hearing behind closed doors with Senators Ronand Le Gleut and Hélène Conway-Mouret French Senate  Paris 15/05/2019


Les entretiens de la défense européenne - Sorbonne University -  Paris 16/05/2019 (public conference) [speaker and organiser] 

Comparison of the NATO defence planning process and European defence planning process (closed seminar)

[Keynote speaker for Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe ka ASD 11/03/2019 ASD Brussels]

Les planifications de défense en Europe (public conference)

[Lecturer – Académie royale de Belgique - collège Belgique – cycle of five lessons 21/02/2019]


European Defence: from Cooperation to Integration? (closed seminar)

[Speaker for the European Security and Defence College / Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale 20/02/2019 European Commission conference center]

Budgetary framework: the European Defence Fund and EU budget for civilian CSDP (closed seminar)

[Speaker for the European Security and Defence College / Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale 19/02/2019 European Commission conference center]

European army: better chances without the UK? (closed seminar)

[Keynote speaker for the Working Group on Space, Security & Defence, ka Kangaroo Group 19/02/2019 European Parliament]


The concept of strategic autonomy (closed seminar)

[Keynote speaker for the French civilian reserve 18/02/2019 RPFUE]


Les entretiens de la défense européenne(public conference)

[Organiser and speaker 01/06/2018 La Sorbonne]            


PESCO Sleeping Beauty… or Cinderella (closed seminar)

[Keynote speaker 20/03/2018  German Reservist Working Group]


PESCO (closed seminar) 

[Keynote speaker 05/02/2018 AFFCE – Association des Français et Françaises de la Communauté européeene]


Strengthening Europe’s Defence industrial and technological base - The future of industrial defence policy (closed seminar)

[Keynote speaker 19/02/2018 Long-term investment Intergroup – European Parliament]


The EDIDP state of play (public hearing before the ITRE Committee of the European Parliament)

[Invited panelist 22/01/2018 European Parliament]


PESCO : où en sommes-nous ? (public conference)

[Invited pannelist for the Centre de recherches Jean Gol – 12/09/2017 – Palais d’Egmont]


European defence: state of play (public conference)

[Invited pannelist for the ABCD Annual Baltic Conference on Defence – 6/09/2017 – Tallinn]


The full energizing of the Lisbon treaty in the field of defence (closed seminar) 

[Keynote speaker 17/03/2017 at the invitation of the Estonian Ministry of defence]


The full energizing of Article 42 of the Treaty on the European Union (open seminar)

[Invited speaker 30/11/2016 'European Defence Union: Building a smart Integration process'​organized by the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe - European Parliament]


The future European Defence Research Programme (closed seminar)

[Keynote speaker 22/11/2016 RISET (Research and Innovation on Security Related Topics) and CLORA (Club des organismes de recherche associés) Brussels]


Offsets in the field of defence – the rules of the game, the spirit of the laws and the foreseeable future (closed seminar)

[Keynote speaker for ECCO- EURONAVAL 21/10/2016 RPFUE]


Security & Defence R&D: how can we make Europe safer (public conference)

[Invited panelist 12/10/2016 Science & Business conference]


Le futur de la défense de recherche européenne (closed seminar)

[Keynote speaker for the French civilian reserve 18/02/2016 RPFUE]


Le futur de la défense de recherche en Europe (closed seminar)

[Keynote speaker 16/04/2016 Collège de l’Europe - Bruges]

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