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Lawyer at the Paris and Brussels bars since 2014, I support my industrial and institutional clients in understanding the major European defence issues as well as in the strategic decision making

Since 2018 I am a research associate at IRIS, the Paris Institute for International and Strategic Relations. I have written several public reports for the European Parliament, notably on defence research, permanent structured cooperation, defence planning and the European Defence Fund. I also contribute to the accompaniment of European Defence Fund projects with regard to the respect of international humanitarian law and military ethics. 


I capitalize on my knowledge of the world of defense acquired within the Foreign Affairs , Defence and Armed forces Committee of the French Senate in my capacity as administrator (clerk of the House). I  participated in the drafting of numerous parliamentary reports and in particular the reports on the budget programs for the equipment of the forces and defense research. I assisted Senators Jacques Gautier and Daniel Reiner  in their work within the Commission on the latest White Paper on national security and defence.

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