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Lawyer at the bars of Paris & Brussels 

Independent Lawyer / Researcher






Carreer within the French Senate




Diplomas and competitions



Distinctions & Honours



2020                 Mission from the European Parliament on : review from PADR                             and EDIDP - lessons learned for the European Defence Fund

2019                 Mission from the European Parliament on the 'European Union                             Defence - the White book implementation process


2017                  Mission from the European Parliament on the  'Permanent Structured                                   Cooperation 'PESCO' - State of play and national perspectives 

                        Mission from the European Commission on a preparatory study on the budget                         of the European Defence Industry Development Programme (EDIDP)

2015 - 2016        Mission from the European Parliament on the  'Future of European

                        Defence Research'


2014 onwards      Lawyer at the Bar of Paris and at the Bar of Brussels (established                                        in Brussels) - Foundation of the Frederic Mauro Law Firm 

2008 - 2014        Counsellor at the French Senate Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee 

                          Defence portfolio : Procurement programmes (Programme 146)

                          and Defence Research (Programme 144)

                          Foreign affairs portfolio ; the Middle East           

2003 - 2008        Vice-Director of the French Senate Library 

1998 - 2003        Counsellor within the Cabinet of the President, Mr Christian Poncelet    

1992 - 2003        Administrator to the Senate Finance and Budgetary Committee

1989 - 1992        Administrator of the Senate at the Session Division – Departement of Laws   

1989                  Succeeded at the Senate Administrators Entry Examination

1987                  Advanced Studies Diploma in Public Law of Paris I Sorbonne

1986                  Institute of Political Studies Diploma of Paris (IEP)

1984                  Bachelor’s degree of Law at Nice Sophia Antipolis University 

2007                  Colonel of the Civilian Reserve of the French Air Force 2007 - ADER

2005-2006          Auditor at the 58th session of the Institute of Advance Studies in National Defence 

2006                  Knight of the National Order of Merit

2003                  Honorary Member within the ESSEC Alumni association

2001                  Eisenhower Fellow for France – Multi Nation Programme 

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